The center of Dili: Dili goes "modern"? Former Indonesian police posts at Dili's intersections in new colours. The painting shows an agreement between UNPOL (United Nations Police) and PNTL (Policia Nacional de Timor-Leste) - UNPOL was established within the violence in 2006 to ensure the restoration and maintenance of public security. UNPOL now starts to withdraw from their mission and to place the responsibility on PNTL. The new Government Palace... a Chinese gift (similar to the new government building in Praia, Cabo Verde): Witnesses of the 2006 violence are still visible in Dili... efforts to restoration and recovery are huge though. Old Portuguese buildings in Colmera: Busy Colmera road - the city's shopping centre with a number of small shops and huge stores where you can find just everything: Yes, there are traffic lights! And some of them are working! Most of them are ignored, though. Wonderful morning view at the end of my street. Yeah, this is my daily way to work! The office is a few metres to the right: The national Red Cross headquarter and my office: Great ocean view in front of my office with traditional fisher boats:Fire next doors: My street: My home in Dili: I'm sharing this house with 3 Australians - Tim, David and Rowan - who are living next doors. My door is the left one. Below our kitchen.Traffic as usual in Timor's capital: Public Transport in Dili - it's always great fun and an exciting experience! :-) In a microlet (super crowded micro buses that give you a ride for 25 cents only): In a taxi with limited view... who needs front windows, they are just useless! Another Taxi with a great view! Typical sunday activity: washing the car in the river. Preparing one of the Red Cross' cars for a cool shower in the river: The "river": At Taibessi market: Hoooot chili (aimanas / piri-piri): Garopa... very tasty fish! My personal vegetable lady:In my favourite Indian restaurant:Another one of my favourite's: Little Pataya The Sri-Lankan restaurant: The famous city monument: Christo Rei The beach behind Christo Rei: One of 1.000.000 dogs in Dili: Sunset dinner at another local market: Catupa (rice balls in bamboo-baskets), grilled fish and corn: